St Marys Lighthouse, Whitley Bay

St Marys Lighthouse, Whitley Bay

Originally uploaded by _ben murray.

I have had occasion in my life to know people, some were wonderful people that I simply met at the wrong time of my life, or were people who could have been friends if we had been on the same page.
I have never had “true” friends before, before now that is.
This picture made me think of you all, my friends. I sort of get my support, for my heart and soul from certain pictures ( probably nuts but its how I am drawn.)

To me, you my friends are my Light House. I have now a goal of going forward.
I do not know if you realize this, but this last week you all made me see God and his purpose for me so much clearer. I had been thinking maybe I was on the wide road, and that He might not have been ready to welcome me to my new life. But with each gift you gave, you showed me I am in fact in his presence, and will make it.
This is probably way corny to some, what I write here however I have to get it out and know of no other way.
You have given me so many gifts, smiles on my kids faces, peace of mind for a bit, but most of all you have given me you. And you have given me hope.
I love each of you so much, Thank you. And because of your wonderful way of reaching out to my family and I , you are all blessed in God, he has seen what you have all done and will never forget it, ever * nor will I *
God Bless you all.

Santa does really and truly exist…………

Just wanted to tell you all a small story, take it as you wish,but please understand this is no feel good, story made up, it is real.

Seems a small boy wrote a letter to Santa, mailed it with all the sureness in his heart, even tho his parents tried to tell him that maybe this year Santa would not be able to bring what he asked for. Now know this, this boy never asks for much, not expensive things but just things that he thinks are neat, fun to play with. He had faith, and his mother did not know how to tell him Santa would not be able to bring what he asked for this year, she was so worried about what she was going to say to him. He is a trusting soul, a loving kid. His brother and sisters are, but are older and so have a different take on this.

Well, seems that Santa did in fact get that letter, and my kids got the most wonderful surprise in the mail back from Santa. I wont get into details, but where ever you are Santa, you and your elves…. may God Bless You all the days of your lives, you are all truly angels.

I am so blessed, I have the worlds most wonderful gift, true friends. I will give up all but two things, my children and my friends.

Neopets – I am still waiting………… your customer service folks are not doing thier jobs

Well, my kids got one email from a support person at Neopets, that asked for far more information that is warranted via an email, so I emailed this person ( with my request for reasons of “all” my children being banned en mass. Still no reply back from yesterday, so I have sent yet another email to Emily……….. I will be waiting and recording their lack of response here.

It is a simple matter, respond to the email you sent my account, not hard nor time consuming. Oh, and update your phone numbers with the BBB, or provide a way for parents to contact you!

Neopets, the new evil monster to kids world wide…………

Okay, so not many times do I get involved in my kids private experiences online with what ever communities they are into, I make sure these communities are relativly safe, and then watch from a nice distance. My kids have been having a huge love affair with Neopets for a few months now, they have made multiple guilds, and had a great time making their monster pets, or what ever they are called.

Tonight, Neopets decided to cancel every one of my five kids accounts, for ambiguous reasons, without warning! Ever try to get a hold of them via phone or email? Well, in the Better Business Bureau dBase, there were two phone numbers listed, both of which are disconnected.  The only person named as a contact was one lawyer ( whose name I wont include here , for now).

So, this left me no choice. I hope that i get enough exposure here so that maybe one of the company people who were so swift to cancel a 9 year kids accounts ( along with all his brother and sisters accounts)  might just get their butts to contacting me here. I see this was nothing more than a way to take some kids money from their neo accounts, because my kids had alot of money in them.

You ( Neopets) can certainly afford to have sent warning letters to the kids before freezing their accounts on stupid reasons. I am their parent, and when I tried to contact you, you via your site made that IMPOSSIBLE to do.

Parents beware, this place sucks your kids into playing on the site, and then when the kids do well, they ( neopets) bring out little known rules or often no rules to ban the kids. Its not right, and its not fair.

I will be making sure to keep on this issue each day, until someone contacts me about this issue.

A very upset parent

Dec 17th is 10th Anniversary of the word ‘weblog’.

Okay, so some where far far away in a distant galaxy of my mind back in my days at EKU, I recall sitting in the first floor computer lab in the library, some paper to do no doubt. And I recall quiet talk of “weblogs”, actually I do really think the word being used was ‘blog’ at that time.

I used my computer at home for one purpose really, to do class work; papers and the like. In the time when I was not doing class work, the computer was really only good ( to me, anyway) for one main thing, research. I was really high on Australopithecine research at the time, and I do mean high on it. I did not have a website, nor did I want one, not back in 1997.

Fast forward to the last year, and like some caterpillar I have come out of my cocoon and now own more than the normal amount of blogs, and even have a few websites in the making. Truth? I love blogs so much more than web sites, they seem more alive to me for some reason.

Scoble wrote on his blog he has been writing blogs for seven years now, but I would have expected that from him. He is , it seems to this outsider very prolific in all he does. He wrote also about where the term came from,who coined the term, one Jorn Barger, of Robot Wisdom and Mr. S. stated that the advice that Jorn has for those of us who blog is good advice that he himself follows.

Imagine my shock, to find out that “weblogs’ were not intended to be like the Chatty Cathy Dolls of the internet, where one can go from site to site, reading what people think and feel about almost every topic under the sun! Damn it, now what does the future of blog look like? A collection of links was the original intent, states Barger. Well this structure, if implemented on a strict basis would free up alot of net real estate wouldn’t it? But what would we be linking to? Other peoples links of links of well, you get the idea I am going for here. If that had stayed the structure of weblogs, now it would be like the hall of mirrors on the net, where we would all be looking into an endless list of links to………. nothing.

I am very thankful that ‘weblogs’, did not stay that way, that they in-fact became as one comment states on the post I linked to for Jorn:

That would be great if Weblogs hadn’t evolved in the last 10 Years … Now they are much closer to Web Journals than “Link Lists” and quite frankly they are all the better for it.  Read the rest of this comment here.

Yep, this is my weblog, my blog…. my on-line journal and it shall remain that way until the natural process of evolution begins anew for the net, lets hope I am paying attention early on this time. For the time being, I will let my other social services take care of remembering my links I like, that is what their job is.

Happy Anniversary Weblog, here is to the next 10! 

Who is my favorite band of ALL TIME? Why, Zeppelin of course!

But it seems that even my Heavy Metal bands have gone to the dark side, the side where green is the new fan appreciation unit.

Seems that some folks made personal videos of the concert that Zeppelin had on Monday, Dec 10th in London. Personal remembrances, videos for the masses, folks like myself who will never get the opportunity to see them live in our lifetime. And, it seems that Google has decided that this is a no no and is systematically pulling these videos down.

Better catch this baby while ya can, Kashmir my personal number favorite of the band period.

They rocked, as I expected them to, and I can say that while I have few honest regrets in my life, not being able to have seen them live is certainly one of them. Led Zeppelin came into my life during the year 1978, while I was living in Iran. Think of it, your a teen living in a Middle Eastern country, its late summer and your listening to Physical Graffiti on your stereo. The sun is setting behind the Zagros mountains, the Mullahs are calling prayer, the smell of the desert washing over you, the song Kashmir takes you into the ether with its brilliance.

That moment, the first time I heard the song will forever remain with me. I can still hear the sounds, smell the scents of the bazaar, and I think I can recall what I was thinking at the time, even tho it was almost 30 years ago now. I recall crying for the moving way that this song reached into m y very soul.

So, while I am a bit jealous of the fact that some of you were able to get tickets, be in London and defy odds to see Led Zeppelin, I am still very very grateful that I was allowed my memories simply because they made this album.

I will always be a fan, more than a fan even if Led Zeppelin never tours, but oh, if they did how happy would so many people just like me be.

Ever get wind of something big, before its a hit?

Okay, so despite the fact that this was my Saturday morning, a day when I can laze around until 7 am, and not be up at 4 am like normal I got up early anyway. Its a hard habit to break, that being up at 4 am.

So as I as looking over my RSS feeds on my Google homepage, I saw one that grabbed my attention on JohnChowDotCom

Find a Job and Make Money with IPSO Jobs

Now, I normally miss all the great info and posts John puts up early, and as they say the early bird does indeed get the worm. Today, this girl got the worm!

I went right to the main site for IPSO Jobs, and registered ( free of course) and got myself the Lexington Kentucky page. As soon as I saw how it worked, I went back and registered for the Louisville Kentucky page, as well as the Nashville Tennessee page.

This could totally be the ground floor, mind b lowing experience I have been seeking. Can you imagine what it would have been like, to be back in 1996, when some young hip IT guy comes to you and says …”so, I have this idea” and next thing you know… your a Google-ite (is that what they call themselves?)

It would be the world shattering event of all time, had you been lucky enough to have been that person in 1996! Now, I feel it in my bones, this is my Google event! And I plan on riding this baby for all she is worth.

I will keep you posted on how I am doing, there is work involved of course, but anything worth having is worth working on right?

Here is the main page to the company –IPSO Jobs

There you can see if your city is available for being the admin for. If you apply and are accepted, you get to share 50 percent of the Google Adsense that is generated off the page, and this could be really great!

Some things we have lost that we could not afford to have lost……….Honor

I have this picky way about me when it comes to movies, there is a list in my mind that has been building since I was young. Of course such greats as South Pacific, Gone with the Wind and Its a Wonderful life from the early part of last century ( ew, that was so icky to say that) and I love those movies. However, in the last 10 years my list has evolved some what.

Now my list consists of movies such as Dances with Wolves, Message in a Bottle, Crouching Tiger- Hidden Dragon, Hero,  House of Flying Daggers, and what I think is my most fav of all; The Last Samurai. See a pattern here? Heros, each of these movies has a Hero, a person of honor who does what is right. The hero discovers something about themselves that they never knew they had inside them. They are put in situations that demand the best of who they are, and in the end the hero becomes who they were meant to be from the very moment they were born.

Heros are inside each of us, I believe. But some where along the way, that part of us is hidden, or killed off by life. Maybe we let it die, but most often we never knew it was in us, and so never saw it get silenced. And when your young, your invinsible, untouchable and in my case so very ignorant of what I was to become later in life.

Such traits as Character, and how to develop it never crossed into my minds eye. I read , oh did I read; about heros but I think I assumed that heros were born being men and women in possession of honor. I did not have the philosphers mind, to think about these things. I was so ignorant. Now, at my age of 4o some odd years, I have come to see who I am, and how very much I desire to posses honor. I want to be a hero.

In The Last Samruai, Capt. Nathan Algren , a soldier who fought with Custer in the West death throws of freedom, goes to Japan a broken man due to his nightmarish life. And yet, even while he was fighting a battle against the Native American Indians , he showed the strains of who he was to become later. When he gets to Japan, he is a drunkard with a whole life time of anguish inside him, but he does not allow it to come to the surface. He goes about training the Japanese soldiers for the Emperor , teaching them how to suppress the Samurai rebellion that threatens the new way of life in a modern Japan. If you have never seen this movie, I suggest you do so. It is one of the rare movies that takes you inside the story, and if you are very lucky, you grow into a hero along with Katsumoto ( the last Samurai lord) and Nathan Algren.

I have watched on my computer twice in the last few days, and each time I saw things I had missed before. Why I watch over and over is because I am looking for the Heroism in myself. I want to know for certain that inside of me is HONOR. The kind of honor I now believe no longer really exists in our world. Oh, it still lives in small sparks inside so many individuals, but this life , this modern life we have now had the sad misfortune of living in since the early 1900’s, has taken away the ability to see or express it in ourselves. How can one be honorable if one has no idea of the concept of honor?

I am speaking of the honor that Katsumoto has, to his people, to his Emperor and at the end of the film to his friend, Nathan. The honor that eventually comes out in Nathan, when the drink has evaporated out of him, and he sees the possible peace he could have in Bushido.

Bushido, even the word makes you feel as if your in the presence of honorable things. I wish above all else, to have this in my life. It is hard to know where to start, and scary to know that hardly anyone around you has the same desire to learn this, or possess it in thier lives.

In the movie, the Samurai Lord Katsumoto, while talking to Nathan in the gardens, walks to the Cherry trees that are in blossom and says

The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. 

When at the end of the film, and the last battle of the Samurai is done, Katsumor lies on the ground dying. He takes his own life, as is the custom of the Samurai. As Nathan holds him, Katsumoto again looks upon the blossoms and says,  “Perfect… They are all… perfect…” It might be a code of conduct that you can not understand, but what I got from that was that even in his death, he was sure of his life; of the fact that he knew he lived honorably, and that he saw with a clear eye how everything is perfect and deserves to be treated with honor.

Such a small price to pay for such a well spent existance.  If I could use a time machine to go back in time, I would go back and tell my younger self about honor, and how in the near future it will be slipping away from us. I would tell my younger self that beyond all other pursits in my life, seeking Honor would be the most important life changing thing I could do. Then I would be able to say that I too saw the blossoms as perfect, each and every one.

Christmas…….. what it is, is not, can be, and will never be again.

Christmas this year will be vastly different from any I have had in the last 20 years as a parent. I have finally hit a place I can’t seem to get out of, and emotionally this is killing me. My kids will no doubt be fine, they love me and know I am trying. Its me that I am worried about, because I usually move heaven and earth to do something for my family each year.

There are no more mountains to move.

I read a blog post about Christmas from this really groovy man, and he was able to at least shine some smile light on my otherwise sad time this year.

What is Christmas to me? It has always been about the memories I have been so blessed to have accumulated over the last 40 some odd years of my life. I can still smell my Mom cooking pies , I can still see my Nana ( miss you so much Nana) and my Uncles. I remember how cold it was, the Christmas eve we drove from our house on Long Island, all the way to Boston just so I could be with my Nana on Christmas day, and share my presents from Santa with her.

Christmas to me is memories – happy joyous memories that NO ONE can ever take away.

Christmas is not a thing under a tree that can be taken away or broken. It is not how much was spent or what newest, latest tech item you get. It is not whether or not you are a failure for not being able to make Christmas for your kids, they will always love you no matter if you can or cant.

Christmas can be a time of such honest love, for family and new found friends.

Christmas will never again be what it was in my heart, but that is life, and I will have to deal with it.

A few years ago, when we moved into this house we are in now, on Christmas eve I managed thanks to one of my older boys, to convince my youngest that Santa was in fact real. Seems the jolly old elf was on our roof! My youngest and I even heard his tiny reindeer clip clopping along on our roof, honest!

Sad, but I would  give anything to be able to make more memories like that…….. but they are in my heart where no one can ever touch them.

I hate being this way, i really do.

God Bless you all, and remember ………. at this time of year, make memories , you may need them one day.


Today, wow………. end all be all…. and just now, this song came on my player…………………… fits today so f*ing well:

You pretend youre high
You pretend youre bored
You pretend youre anything
Just to be adored
And what you need
Is what you get

Dont believe in fear
Dont believe in faith
Dont believe in anything
That you cant break

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
All you had you wasted

What drives you on what drives you on
Can drive you mad can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

Dont believe in love
Dont believe in hate
Dont believe in anything
That you cant waste

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Cant believe you fake it
Cant believe you fake it

Dont believe in fear
Dont believe in pain
Dont believe in anyone
That you cant tame

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
All you had you wasted

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Cant believe you fake it
Cant believe you fake it

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Cant believe you fake it
Cant believe you fake it

lyrics by Garbage – Song: Stupid Girl

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