Life is sometimes so sweet….


Originally uploaded by THE QUEEN ..{Qtr}...

and when I saw this photo, I knew it was a sign, a sign that despite the feelings of separation I am feeling now, life is truly sweet and all will be awesome soon.
so, remember to take time each day to just hang out and enjoy, life is SWEET! lies on TV advertisment, possible scam

This one , like the others we see (that promise great money to be made online, and always have a number before the web address) clearly states their CD is free. Sadly, like all the other web scams this one wants all your info put into thier system BEFORE they will take you to the page that says all you have to pay is 9.95 for shipping and handling. Now think about it for asecond, even if all they do is g et your credit card and money for a few weeks, the interest has to be agood living. And we all know what will be on that CD, info on where you can go pay more money for info on how to work from home!

When will we have a sure way to demand that these work from home tv advertisments and thier associated web sites be up front with the truth of thier mission and costs? I also want to make it so you DO NOT have to give your phone number ect before you see your being scammed.

Foggy Corner

Foggy Corner

Originally uploaded by Andy Frazer.

If you keep moving in this same southerly direction, you would end up where I used to live.
Funny thing is, I miss the Fog and trees more than any physical residence.
this road is so beautiful at any time of year, and in either direction you choose to go, north or south.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Originally uploaded by jeppmet.

There is nothing sweeter than to be in the Redwoods in the Mountains near Skyline, and smelling the fog as it rolls in. I love the look, the feel, of fog. I miss it so much.
If you ever get to the Bay Area, go to the Mountains, and hang out on a foggy morning or evening, you will see what I am talking about. The memories will never leave you.

Godaddy fixes WordPress issues, thank goodness.

I am now up and running, hopefully you are too ( if you too were down like I was). I got all my plugins back in my little folders as well. I need to make a backup of my files, just in case this happens again.

Godaddy is killing me here!

So- some time during the after midnight hours, the WP databases (??) at Godaddy went rouge. I can not access any of my blogs on Godaddy that run Word Press. And the biggest story to hit * Robert Scoble being taken off Facebook for trying to download his own contacts * is roaring through the web like a plains fire. Damn.

They initially told me at 7 am est that it would be four or five hours, but they did not expect it to be any longer….. uh huh. This time when I spoke to the Customer Service man, he said he could not give me a time frame for it being fixed, just that they are working on it. What kind of ticks me off is, the first call I placed to CS Rep at 7 am resulted in my having to delete some WP plugin’s at the mans direction…… now, if your going to be working in a Customer service area of a company, any company; seems to me that it would behoove ya to know something about your product your providing support for.

So, I wait… and I am missing readers who are seeing GOD KNOWS WHAT when they try to access my blogs. I dont even see any kind of landing page when I try to get into the blogs, they just hang and then a php download downloads and asks to be opened on my side.


edit @11:40 am –

Okay, did a small test because in my mind I am not entirely sure they know what is up with my blogs ( and supposedly other folks WP blogs) so I went and set up a new subdomain on which I put Word Press…. and it let me do it! Seems to me, if your having issues with a services you offer then don’t let folks upload the broken service until ya fix it!


Sunset on 2007

Sunset on 2007

Originally uploaded by Wiggum03.

Did I not tell you in many many posts, that ‘my’ city is the most beauftiful in the world? Look at the show Mother Nature gave just for the folks in San Francisco on New Years eve.
Glorious, and to think……… soon, very soon I will be home again *sigh* I am happy just thinking about it.