Chris Pirillo loves his iPhone….

So, check it out.. a few weeks ago we were treated to a wonderful video on how Chris Pirillo was “not” in love with the idea of getting an iPhone, but now we see this has changed. When I saw the video he made of the day he actually got the phone from his wife… I thought “oh oh”! If my husband had looked at me with that face, I know I would be paying for it later 🙂 But now we get to hear how he has , as he said in his video, he has seen the light!

Check out his video with his new found admiration of the iPhone –

and the post his post here. See I knew he was going to love it, who could resist this glorious gadget? Its awesome, its pretty, it looks fun to use. I want it just because of all it does, I probably would not use it as a phone all that much. But from listening to Chris talk about the different things “it can do” as a phone, I am once more impressed. I have fallen in lust once more.

On other topics – I have been off from here for a long time. Busy trying to get involved with a fan club. Word to the wise, if you have RL, don’t even think about being able to be involved in a fan club unless its your own! That is a learning lesson I will not soon forget, fan clubs are mini Washington DC’s, with all the nasty business, as well as all the wonderful people who went into it with all the best of intentions only to watch it go down with no results to speak of. What did I learn from this experience? I learned I will never make it as a politician, ever!

But as I was muddling through that whole experience I did have chances to see some new stuff in geekland, one of which is the themes gadget called iGoogle skins that Google has made available to us! It allows you to make your own, use others and switch between the standard ithemes from Google and the user created themes. They might want to work on the issue of the theme gadget not shutting down properly, when you tell it you want standard themes to run it will open back up with the user theme you had on previously.

This last five months have been an awesome adventure for me, I learned I can run Linux * thank you Ubuntu for that realization* I learned I can understand when Chris Pirillo is speaking about some new gadget, and I also learned that each day brings a new gadget for me to play around with and that is COOL!

iphone lust all over for me, and other thoughts

After hearing all the horrible stories of 36 hours to get the iphone set up, and 3.5 hour waits for support… no thanks. It is funny though, to see the thing selling, actually selling for 999.00 on ebay! I had been told there were still plenty of stores that still carry the phone… so what is up with these people wanting to pay almost 2x the current price?

okay, back to wanting my Blackberry. It has all I need, and does all I need without my having to pay an extra 300 dollars a month for service.

On to Linux ~

Saw Chris Pirillos youtube about Sabayon Linux, seems interesting, but I wonder what it has that Ubunut does not??? He makes a case for at least trying it, with the live CD so I will; but I dont think I will ever divorce Fiesty… and its children to come.

Funny thing was, from what I saw in the video of his, the eye candy he was raving over is already on Ubuntu, so what is the difference between?

so check the video out –

Now, I wish someone would help me figure out why Sun’s Looking Glass wont work right for me, its sooo slow. So is Xfce when I turn it on on my pc, what is that about?

My wish list for Ubuntu? Make the compiz-fusion make my windows transparent ( with out having it as the windows manager session) with the cleaner look of xfce and I am a happy camper.

That is it, that is all I wish for, oh and maybe some new eye candy, but what could they come up with? 🙂

talk to you all later……

I want the iphone too! :-(

My my….. this phone is just so gorgeous! I saw the preview the other day on CBS morning show……. and I could not believe how badly I wanted that phone! Like… as bad as I want * no,lust after* the 32 inch LCD at the local store.

I normally laugh at folks paying high dollar for the tech goodies right out of the gate…. you know they will come down if you just wait, right? But when I saw all this phone could do, all it had……… little heart just melted.

Video, my flickr photos…my music! What else does one need?

So, I am all about saving my money until I can afford, at 500.00 that is a tad pricey for me right now, but oh, if I could afford it now; I would have it sitting here on my desk instead of lusting over on the web,

Scobleizer has a post about being in line at the Palo Alto store along side some of the elite of the web (Zooomr. Smug Mug. TechMeme.) and there will be a podcast up later of conversations he had with Bill Atkinson, Apple’s first software developer. And you can check out Mr.S. Flickr page for pics of the line as well and his channel, which sort of makes you feel like your in Palo Alto in line.

Other discussions on the topic of the iPhone ~

My Way News

Think Secret

Yahoo News – iPhone supply may not meet demand

just found this great video on Jason Calacanis website ** about the wonderful, gorgeous, iPhone…

and the comments on this post are helpful to read as well…. always good to hear all sides about a product!

More when I have time to post here…….. now… back to my ‘other’ life as a fan of Jericho!

Don’t forget  by the way, that the show begins reruns of the first season on July 6th, and new episodes this fall ( date unknown at this time) , so come watch the show that the fans saved with nuts and a lot of love!